The school uniform has been supported by parents/guardians, students and staff as a means of creating a distinct school identity. Students who enroll at St. Jean de Brebeuf C.H.S. do so with a full awareness of the uniform expectation and implicitly agree to abide by the uniform dress code. Students are expected to be in full and proper uniform at all times throughout the instructional day (8:20 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.) including the lunch periods and if attending school programs before or after school (i.e. library, detention, Help Lab etc.) Students with a Study Hall or in the Co-operative Education Program must also be in full and proper uniform throughout the instructional day. Students are also required to be in full and proper uniform during school field trips unless arrangements have been previously made with administration.
The uniform consists of:
- the golf-shirt (long or short sleeve)
- the DGN black dress pant with the SJB Logo on the pant
- all black shoes (no coloured laces or white trim around the shoes)
- please ensure that your son/daughter has purchased an SJB warm uniform item (i.e., cardigan, rugby sweater or ¼ zip sweater) as they will not be permitted to wear a non-uniform sweater
DGN Kilters
1500 Bonhill Road, Mississauga, Ontario
Phone ordering: 1 800 437-5872
On line ordering
Please note if you require any uniform items, DGN Kilters will service our school with a “Mobile Tuck Truck” every two weeks. The mobile truck will park on our school property and will be available from 11:00-4:00 p.m.
Note carefully:
- Any design modification of uniform items will render such items non-conforming and students and parents/guardians are responsible for the repair or replacement of uniform items;
- Parents/guardians are advised to purchase duplicate pieces of uniform items to ensure that students come to school in full uniform each and every day;
- Any additional solid white or black undershirt must be tucked in and not protrude at the sleeves or beyond the school golf shirt (no stripes or other designs must be visible);
- Hats, caps, headbands, bandanas, or any type of decorative headwear are not permitted;
- External accessories not in keeping with the spirit of the uniform code are not acceptable.