Pink Shirt Day 2021

Wednesday February 24 is Pink Shirt Day. SJB is hosting a poster contest on the topic of inclusion. Create a poster on anti-bullying, kindness, or inclusion for a chance to win an SJB spiritwear t-shirt. The winning poster will be chosen by SJB administration and will be featured on our instagram and twitter account, as well as in the yearbook. In order to support Pink Shirt day both Wednesday and Thursday are Civvies Bays so that you can wear pink to show your support to this important message.
To participate:
1. Create a poster (can be hand drawn, made using google docs/slides, canva, piktochart, or any other site)
2. Upload your poster to this google form with your name and t-shirt size
3. Poster submissions are due on Friday February 26 by midnight
4. Winner will be notified via k12 email”
Thank you for your support in our Pink Shirt Day initiatives!