Responses to Freqently Asked Questions

September 8th is right around the corner and we are getting the school ready to receive students both in person and remotely.  We have received a number of similar questions from parents, guardians and students and thought it might be helpful to share the responses to our most frequently asked questions. 

  1. Tuesday, September 7th is a P.A. Day. Students do not attend school on this day.
  2. Wednesday, September 8th is the first day of school for ALL students. 
  3. On September 8th, Grade 9s will participate in a number of “Getting Ready for High School” activities throughout the day. These activities will take place virtually or within their respective classes. Students will also receive their commemorative Class of 2024 t-shirt and a mental health coping kit, courtesy of our summer Co-Op students and the YCDSB Student Services Department. 
  4. On September 9th, students in Grades 10-12 will participate in a virtual  “reorientation” with the Administration.
  5. The YCDSB Re-Entry Plan can be accessed on the board website. It is an evolving document that reflects the current direction from York Region Public Health and Ministries of Education and Health. A link is also available on the school website and the SJdB App.
  6. We have developed some local re-entry procedures that support the Board’s plan and it can be viewed here. It is also linked to the school website, the SJdB App, and has been emailed directly to all students’ K12 Google Mail accounts. 
  7. For students who ride a bus to school, assigned seating will continue for Semester 1 . Masks must be worn while riding the bus to and from school.
  8. Textbook and device distribution for remote learners will take place on September 16th. More information is forthcoming – stay tuned!
  9. There will be four lunch periods to ensure safety. Lunch periods will be assigned by grade and tables in the cafeteria will be assigned to classes in order to group student cohorts together. Students are welcome to eat their lunch outside and/or purchase from a local restaurant. More information will be provided to students on September 8th.
  10. Cafeteria services will eventually resume, most likely towards the end of September. We will provide an update as soon as we are able. 
  11. Lockers will be available for students to use  this year. First, we will assign lockers to our Grade 9s and will follow up with instructions for students in Grades 10-12 who wish to sign up for a locker. 
  12. We will be collecting a Student Activity Fee for students in Grades 10-12 at a later date and information will be forthcoming. Grade 9 students submitted their Student Activity Fee when they registered for high school.
  13. Visitors to the building is strictly limited at this time. Only those with a pre-arranged appointment will be permitted to enter the building.
  14. Students who are learning remotely will do in a hybrid model. Instructions for accessing virtual learning environments is forthcoming.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school. The Administration is happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. We appreciate your patience and understanding as procedures evolve in response to current directives. Continue to follow us on social media, download the SJdB App and visit our website for updates. 

We are grateful for your support and look forward to a wonderful year with our students!