Pathways Planning Event: Grades 9-11

Pathways planning and course selection should be an ongoing conversation at home and at school. We are happy to be able to support students and their families in guiding some of this decision-making and informing you of the various processes involved. There are a lot of choices available to students and the sheer volume of information can sometimes be overwhelming.

On Thursday, October 20th, we are pleased to invite parents and guardians of students in Grades 9-11 for a Pathways Planning presentation. The event begins with at brief plenary session at 7pm, followed by grade-specific breakout sessions. The plenary session will focus mainly on processes common to all students and the breakout session will centre on considerations for students, parents and guardians that pertain the specific grade level. Each grade-specific breakout session will be led by a Guidance Counsellor and an Administrator.

We ask that all interested participants kindly register ahead of time. Please click HERE to indicate your interest in attending.

We look forward to seeing you on October 20th!