Category: General

Parent Engagement

On behalf of the Catholic School Council at St. Jean de Brebeuf, we are pleased announce a wonderful virtual opportunity for parents that is very much reflective of the equity work and priorities that we are and will continue to address at school.

Aubrey Norohna is a dynamic speaker whose work centres on safe schools, mental health and anti-racism. On ... Continue reading "Parent Engagement"

FREE Math Tutoring for Grade 9 and 10 Students!

Grade 9 and 10 students taking Math this semester are invited to sign up for FREE tutoring! Sessions will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:00 in Room 215. Students can attend on both days or as needed. Assistance will be provided with work being taught in class, test and quiz preparation, along with tips and tricks to develop learning skills and work habits. ... Continue reading "FREE Math Tutoring for Grade 9 and 10 Students!"


Yearly Student Activity Fee includes the cost of the  yearbook. Typically, there is not a separate opportunity to order yearbooks. As you know, we had provided additional opportunities in December and January for families to purchase a 2021/2022 yearbook even if the Student Activity Fee was not paid. We were especially mindful of the large number of Grade 12 students who would potentially not get ... Continue reading "LAST CHANCE TO ORDER 2021/2022 YEARBOOKS!"