Category: General

OUAC P.I.N.s are In!


We have received student OUAC P.I.N.s (Personal Identification Numbers). Many thanks to our Guidance Department for facilitating an efficient distribution of this information. Please note the following:

  1. November 1st: Co-Op students will receive their P.I.N.  in class.
  2. November 2nd: Guidance counsellors will visit all Grade 12 homeroom classes.
  3. Starting November 1st, students
  4. ... Continue reading "OUAC P.I.N.s are In!"

Respect for our Neighbours

We are fortunate to have a number of local food-service outlets close to our school which many of our students visit during their lunch break. Unfortunately we have recently received complaints from the owners of the Villa Royale Plaza regarding our students littering, acting in a disruptive fashion and causing property damage.

An announcement has been made here at St. Jean de Brebeuf ... Continue reading "Respect for our Neighbours"

Clarfication re: Student Attendance

There have been numerous questions regarding access to hybrid or remote instruction. Remote or hybrid instruction is for students who have opted to learn in Cohort C.  Please be advised of the following:

Electronic Collection of Forms: Emergency Info., Student Info. Release, Technology Consent

This year, we will be collecting annual consent forms (Emergency Information, Student Information Release, Technology Consent forms) electronically via a Google Form. Click the link below to complete the form for your child.

Please note that you must complete a form, no later than September 30, 2021, for each of your students.  If you have students in both ... Continue reading "Electronic Collection of Forms: Emergency Info., Student Info. Release, Technology Consent"