
Looking Ahead to Semester 2

We would like to provide you with some details related to the schedule for the last two weeks of Semester One classes.

Previously scheduled Exam Days have been converted to Conferencing Days during which time teachers and students will have the opportunity to discuss, review, receive feedback or make any final presentations regarding final Culminating Performance Tasks (CPTs).  It will also be an ... Continue reading "Looking Ahead to Semester 2"

Rapid Antigen Test Kits

In an effort to promote a safer return to the classroom after the winter break, on behalf of the Government of Ontario, St. Jean de Brebeuf CHS is pleased to be able to provide take-home rapid antigen screening kits to every child who attends a publicly-funded school in Ontario. The kits will be distributed to all students during their Period 2 class on Wednesday, December ... Continue reading "Rapid Antigen Test Kits"