Category: General

Textbook and Device Distribution for Remote Learners

For those students who are learning remotely, textbook and device distribution will happen on Thursday, September 16th from 3-6pm.  Please follow these instructions:

  1. If your child needs an electronic device, please complete this Google Form by September 15, 2021.
  2. Please drive up to the main entrance and remain in your vehicles. Due to COVID protocols you
  3. ... Continue reading "Textbook and Device Distribution for Remote Learners"

Gym and Spirit Wear

The Tuck Shop will be open from Monday to Thursday of next week for students wishing to purchase Gym or Spirit Wear, from 7:45-8:10. This opportunity will allow students to purchase various items that we have on hand. The schedule is as follows:

Monday, September 13: Grade 12s

Tuesday, September 14: Grade 11s

Wednesday, September 15: Grade ... Continue reading "Gym and Spirit Wear"

Responses to Freqently Asked Questions

September 8th is right around the corner and we are getting the school ready to receive students both in person and remotely.  We have received a number of similar questions from parents, guardians and students and thought it might be helpful to share the responses to our most frequently asked questions. 

  1. Tuesday, September 7th is a P.A. Day. Students do not attend
  2. ... Continue reading "Responses to Freqently Asked Questions"