
Tutoring Opportunities at SJDB!

As a part of the Province’s efforts to support learning recovery in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, funding has been provided for our school to implement a tutoring support program focusing on numeracy, literacy and other foundational skills. Tutoring will be provided by SJDB teachers. The details are as follows: 

Math: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30 – starts on October 19th

Cross-Curricular ... Continue reading "Tutoring Opportunities at SJDB!"

Awards Ceremony

In recognition of the academic achievements earned during the 2021/2022 school year, we are pleased to host our annual Awards ceremony. Details noted below:

Reminders: School Expectations

With the first month of school complete, it should be apparent to all that we are back to “business as usual” with regards to school routines, expectations and activities. We greatly appreciate the support of parents and guardians in reinforcing the following messaging at home:

  1. School begins promptly at 8:20am. Chronic lateness to school is subject to progressive discipline. If
  2. ... Continue reading "Reminders: School Expectations"